Speech recognition technology is supercharging explosive growth and creation of new 21st-century digital communications opportunities for transcription careers. You know that court reporters are already using speech recognition, but what other forms of realtime reporting opportunities has this technology made available?
Seeking a new career? Excited by the prospect of facilitating realtime global communications? Get in the know and join the future!
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• Court Reporting
• Broadcast Captioning
• Financial Call Reporting
• All Other Realtime
  Transcription Careers
Learn how to master realtime transcription with speech recognition (Dragon Professional Individual 16).  

Then match your skills with any 
realtime career choice!
with Speech Recognition
The Voice Writing Method book offers a simple introduction to realtime voice-based reporting.  This step-by-step guide will give you a transferrable set of skills to secure a fulfilling, profitable place in your choice of this field's many subspecialties:
Accompanying the Voice Writing Method book is SpeedMaster™, speed-building software designed to help you rapidly build dictation speed as you work to increase speech recognition accuracy. SpeedMaster™ lets you practice dictation at your own comfortable pace—with unlimited practice material—and takes the guesswork out of measuring speed-building progress. SpeedMaster™ works only with plain text (.txt) files. When these files are opened through SpeedMaster™, text is displayed on the SpeedMaster™ screen. You can set the text-reading display to any speed you want, ranging from 100 to 350 words per minute, and dictate that text at your set word-per-minute rate.
SpeedMaster™ software is
included with
your book!